advanced Trainer
Natalia Santiago
My name is Natalia Santiago. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico. Since I was 8 years old I had a l...
{"category":"advanced","product_url":"https:\/\/\/product\/booking-trainer\/?staff_id=297","has_quick_profile":1,"has_product":1,"fields":{"gender":{"id":1123,"label":"Gender","value":"Female","type":"selectbox","group_id":1},"training-videos":{"id":9,"label":"Training videos","type":"repeater","group_id":9,"value":[{"video-link":{"id":1184,"label":"Video link","value":"","type":"textbox","group_id":9},"video-preview":{"id":1186,"label":"Video Preview","value":"","type":"image","group_id":9}}]},"about":{"id":326,"label":"About","value":"My name is Natalia Santiago. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico. Since I was 8 years old I had a love for soccer and sports. As I got older, my passion for soccer and sports grew every year. Since the age of 15, I have been coaching soccer for children from the age of 2-10 years old. This experience means so much to me because of all of the values I was able to teach the children but also the patience and values they taught me. It truly makes you love what you do every day. While I was an athlete, I got several injuries. With that, I also had a lot of recovery which is thanks to personal trainers and massage therapists. This is where my passion for the wellness of people started. I followed my passion and while being a student athlete I did my bachelor degree in Sports Science and later received a Certificate in Massage Therapy graduating with 750 hours and Swedish Massage Techniques. My goal is to help others achieve wellness through massage therapy and exercise.","type":"textarea","group_id":6},"certifications":{"id":12,"label":"Certifications","value":[],"type":"checkbox","group_id":2},"training-experience":{"id":15,"label":"Training Experience","value":"Less Than 1 Year","type":"selectbox","group_id":2},"sports":{"id":1326,"label":"Sports","value":"","type":"multiselectbox","group_id":2}},"fullname":"Natalia Santiago","permalink":"https:\/\/\/book-a-trainer-old\/natalia287\/","avatar":{"thumb":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/avatars\/6707\/66702de3a642f-bpthumb.jpg","full":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/avatars\/6707\/66702de380efa-bpfull.jpg"}}